It has been while since I last updated my blog. I guess it is because ever since the Bali trip I've been less inspired to blog as everything seems mundane all over again. But just to keep my three trusty blog followers updated, I shall just have a quick recap as to what has been happenning since my trip back from Bali.
Work has been crazy, as usual, but I've also been busy trying to move house or rather trying to hang on to my existing place as long as possible. I was supposed to move out last week but since the buyer hasn't paid me I'm holding on as long as possible. Everything else in the house has been moved including our bed so Hubbs and I have begun sleeping on the floor. We only have Elmo, ourselves and our clothes left to move. That shows how reluctant we are about giving up the house. But saying all that I think it's going to be fun moving in with Boy and wifey. It's going to be bachelor pad all over again.
At the same time, I've also been busy trying to design the new place and do all the necessary submissions so that renovation can start once we get the keys to the new place. By the looks of it, we'll most likely be camping with Boy and wifey for at least 6 months or maybe more. So please pray that everything runs smoothly and that I don't keep changing my mind on the designs. Latest on design is that I've decided to convert one floor into the masterbed room and an entire room will be converted into our bathroom. I'm hoping stucturally everything will be feasible.
Other than that, HOOORRAAYYY..we're done with Sunday School for the year. I guess the kids will miss Sunday School but I think the teachers certainly would appreciate the break. No more 6am Sunday mornings for me for 2 months!! However, the sad thing would be missing the 3 heroes of Sunday School Kim, Ah Lan and Yu Pin. I'm especially going to miss having Yu Pin in our team and beyond a doubt going to miss Kim. I don't think Sunday School will be the same without them around :(
As for sad news, I met up with Noeline a week ago and she updated us on her chemo progess. Unfortunately, her cancer markers have gone up again and there's a possibility it has spread to her lungs and more into her lymph nodes. We are still hoping and praying that this is not so. I can't comprehend how can Noeline look so good and healthy and yet have all these horrible things going on inside her. So please continue to pray for her continued healing and that God will continue to sustain her.
Another prayer request would be for Dr Lim Say Wan. As I write this, Dr Lim is in ICU getting ready to meet the Lord. It's rather sad but I think after more than 5 years of his fight with cancer I think God is ready to call him home. So please pray with me that he isn't in pain. Although I don't know him very well but I must say he's one of the nicer uncles I've met. Everytime I see him in church or outside church, he never fails to make an effort to say hi to me and remember my name. He even remembers that we were in the same baptism class together and I can't even remember. I was hoping to see him last Friday at his house but unfortunately things took a turn for the worse and he had to be rushed to hospital. I'm going to miss this uncle.
So that's all the updates I have for now. Oh yes, one final thing. I've been told the pain in my left shoulder leading all the way to my left elbow, that I've been having for weeks now could be a sign of me having a heart attack. (note to Dr June, need online consult again :) - it's that time of the month again, told you so..haha ) So please pray I'll be alive for my next post :), most likely in my new room in boy's house.
Love to all reading this and thanks for checking in even though I've been slack. You guys are the best!!