Thursday, April 17, 2008

Is Honesty That Difficult?

I've blogged about this before and it pains me to have to blog about this again. Somehow it really does seem as if being honest is extremely difficult for some people. This time around it hurt even more as the person that was being dishonest was someone very close and dear to me. Unfortunately, this isn't the first time that the person has lied to me.

Again I ask. Am I that gullible? How am I supposed to trust anything that comes from that person's mouth if lying seems to be a default reaction of the person when stressed? Don't people ever realise and learn that lying catches up with you? It also seems that nowadays feigning forgetfulness or ignorance is a way to salvage an uncomfortable situation when caught lying. Again I I that stupid?

Why can't people just own up when mistakes have made rather than retreating to the sinful convenience of lying!! Although I've blogged recently on not wanting to have any similarities with a particular ex minister I must say that at least he had the decency to own up to his short comings (no pun intended) when he was literally caught with his pants down.

Lying only adds distrust, multiplies your immaturity and subtracts any goodwill from any relationship. And for those who are inherent serial liars I hope you do realise that apologizing no matter how profusely or how genuinely isn't going to salvage anything until your attitude and approach to being truthful is fully embedded into your very core and nature and unfortunately such "reborn" attitude will last up to the point that you've have been caught lying again. So save your effort and the ears of the wronged party until you have truly decided to change.

People please grow up and be men/women that God intended you to be - men /women of truth and integrity !!

Current mood : very hurt.

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