Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Pictures of Elmo

Recently I've been trying to cleanup my pc because of my switch to my lovely macbook ( I totally love the MAC) and I found these pictures of Elmo. He's just the cutest cheeky dog ever.

Baby Elmo, when we first brought him home

He looked so much like a soft toy, don't you think.

Baby Elmo sleeping in his new room.

Elmo showing his cheeky side

Elmo at four months

"I love sticking my head into pails...but I'm afraid of carton boxes. All my daddy's fault!!"

"My first proper mug shot. Check out how big my head is."

1 comment:

Amber-Mae said...

Hello there Elmo! I found you in Benji's blog. Nice to meet cha! My Mommy says you got those sad droopy eyes but obviously you're not sad. Hee!