Sunday, May 4, 2008

Elmo's Losing His Teeth

According to the few doggie books that hubbs and I have been reading, a puppy will have his teeth fall out and grow new permanent teeth around 4-5 months. Looks like it has finally happened with Elmo. Two days ago, hubbs realised that one of Elmo's tooth was slightly shaky. And before that one dropped out another one began to wobble and then another and then another. So yesterday night while playing with him 2 teeth fell out. The other two miraculously disappeared so we figured that he probably swallowed it. Being the good "parents" that we are, we decided to keep the teeth. Maybe hubbs may want to put it under Elmo's bed and wait for the tooth fairy to arrive :-) Here are some latest pictures of Elmo chewing his favourite veal rib before his teeth began to fall and Hubbs favourite keepsake, Elmo's fallen teeth.

Elmo has got slanty eyes

This is how big Elmo is fully stretched out.

Elmo's teeth. Quite disgusting.

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