Monday, September 22, 2008

Countdown to the Big move

Another 3 weeks, well to be exact another 22 days before we move out of our place. We've started packing up some non essentials such as my dvd collection, cds and books in the tv room. I thought it was going to be quite an easy process but it is proving to be quite stressful and tiring. We've only lived here for 3 years and the amount of stuff (especially mine) is shockingly much!! We are not even halfway through the room and we've already managed to fill 13 boxes and I thought moving was going to be easy :(

One good thing though about packing, I've finally done what I've always wanted to do and that is to catalogue my dvd collection. Not an easy process by it was nice being able to sort out my dvd collection by title, genre and actors. So as of today, I've got 593 titles and growing :) . Big hug and sloppy kiss :k to hubbs for patiently packing and reading out the titles to me one by one as I key them in.

Will post pictures of the packed boxes soon. Packing is stressful!! Don't be like me and underestimate the junk one can accumulate over the span of 3 years. Start early or engage professional movers!! ;)

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