Friday, September 12, 2008

What on Earth is Happening to the Country???

I'm so upset with what is happening to our country. People that should be arrested are not whereas those who probably do not deserve to be arrested are being detained. There's so much I want to let out but I know it is not possible here. I so wish I had someone to talk to and hopefully see a way out of all this!! What can I do? To blog about it could lead to severe repercussions and to keep it in makes me more sick than I already am. A friend of mine is already setting up businesses in China and has a back up plan all in place. What about me? Is anyone else feeling as frustrated as me????

To be very honest, I don't really care which political party comes to power. All I want is to be able to live in this country free of trouble and discrimination. I know this may not sit well with some die hard reformist but call me short sighted for all I care. I just want all this s**t to go away so that the country can continue to prosper and that all can live without being suspicious of each other. Come to think of it, in my little gold fish bowl world, it seems like I wish that the country would go back to the good old days where cronyism and corruption was out in the open. At least then, all the big whales were well fed and minions like us benefit from their cast offs. With all the whales satisfied, as least there was some semblance of peace and harmony!!!

Current mood: Sick, frustrated and wanting to throw something against the wall!!!!

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