Friday, December 12, 2008


Today I feel loved. But does that mean I will feel loved tommorow or does it mean I didn't feel loved yesterday? To me I know love (head knowledge) in a marriage is more than a feeling but sometimes I tend to forget what truly constitutes love, especially when I get irritated by hubbs. So to remind myself about what love is when I'm not 'feeling' it, I've decided to list it down here. This is going to be one mushy post. So readers be warned.

Love is...

1) when hubbs does the laundry daily without complaining.
2) when hubbs places money in my purse without telling me when he knows I'm broke.
3) when hubbs picks up and cleans up after Elmo.
4) when hubbs doesn't complain no matter how messy I am.
5) when hubbs always allows me to pick what and where I like to eat.
6) when hubbs lets me press his nose when he's snoring and not get angry that I've woken him up.
7) when hubbs finishes everything I cook and says its yummy no matter how horrible I know it tastes.
8) when hubbs drops everything to rush home to catch 'mickey mouse' when it freaked me out.
9) when hubbs doesn't insist I do anything I don't want to.
10) when hubbs patiently waits for me at work for hours.

And finally I know I'm loved because no matter how lousy a wife I know I am (ya ya those who know me try to stop agreeing ok? :) ) God has decided to 'torture' hubbs instead of me :)


Unknown said...

Putting this on print is your way of expressing your love for your hubby.

Elmo said...

Ha ha..such expressions are far and few between. So I guess Hubbs better appreciate. Hmm...maybe I wrote it so that when he feels that I'm mean to him he can refer to the post :)

Woman, thanks for commenting. You're my first comment. Love ya!!

Unknown said...

It is so difficult to get you on the phone so reading your blog is how I know how you are doing. My commenting is how I communicate back ;)