Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One of those days

Today has been one of those days. A day where nothing seems really wrong but neither does it seem normal or right. Maybe the long weekend and getting back to the realities and frustration of work made it a little more 'abnormal'. Maybe for me it is like how one feels when you've been running and if you keep going at it, it would be fine, but when you stop your legs start to ache and you just can't seem to continue anymore. So, though long weekends are good it is sometimes too much of a good thing for me.

Then again maybe it has nothing to do with the long weekend but it is just one of those days when I'm feeling moody, frustrated with people and down for no reason.

But what made my day end on a higher note was the cute e-greeting card that I received from Noe today. Although it was a simple message it was encouraging to know that someone was thinking of me even though she probably had a tougher week than me. Sometimes we may feel that small gestures don't really matter. But today clearly proved that sometimes the smallest things can make a difference in how we remember and end each day.

So this serves as a reminder to me not to shy away from gestures that may seem 'frivolous' but know that whatever little smile or simple hi may just be the thing that brightens a person's day. So lying here in bed, writing this entry, with hubbs humming his night symphony next to my ear, I'm ready to sleep and face tomorrow thanks to someone, who thought of me. :)

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