Finally finally....after so many years, we've finally got a Christmas tree, ornaments and lights!! Not only that, the house is decorated with Christmas-y decor and wreaths. Hubbs was so sweet today. When we got back, we were all prepared to put together the tree and decorate the house but we were pleasantly surprised that all the Christmas decor were already put up. Hubbs spent the entire day buying all the decor and setting it up.
Although Hubbs and I are not in our own house, it is still nice to live in a house where there's the buzz of Christmas. To make things even more exciting but stressful, this year we'll be hosting the Christmas meal with all the pastors and the usual suspects, which is usually held at SY's house but this year it will be at boy's and wifey's house. Hence the decor :)So Cow Cow and Esiotrot, we'll miss you for dinner but we've got Noeline this year making it a total of 13 this year. The group is growing each year :)
Hubbs is as usual doing up his candles for candlelight service. This year will be his 4th year of candle making for Christmas eve service and it will be his record number of candles. A grand total of 16. He's got 5 more to go before Christmas eve!! Aren't they lovely?
This Christmas remember to celebrate God's love for all because Christ was born so that we can be reconciled with God through Christ's death on the cross. So here's wishing everyone reading a most blessed Christmas and know that God truly loves you!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Son!
Our son turns 1 year old today. Time really flies. Hubbs and I are already thinking back to when he could lie snugly on our forearms and all he did was eat and sleep. Since the boy is already 1 today, hubbs and I are thinking that it may be the right time for the next baby. Will update on how that turns out :)
But for now, Happy Birthday Elmo. We love you most much, you big hairy mutt! Isn't he just one huge cute monster.
Monday, December 15, 2008
GPS for wife?
But if you look at the smaller print in the ad they are also suggesting that the GPS tracker should be used to track your wife's whereabouts. Track the wife?!! What the?!! Why not track the husband?
While I'm no expert in marketing I would imagine the advertisement would be more effective if they appealed to the female sex advertising the device as a "GPS to track your husband's whereabouts". Afterall females are the the biggest spenders right?
Friday, December 12, 2008
Today I feel loved. But does that mean I will feel loved tommorow or does it mean I didn't feel loved yesterday? To me I know love (head knowledge) in a marriage is more than a feeling but sometimes I tend to forget what truly constitutes love, especially when I get irritated by hubbs. So to remind myself about what love is when I'm not 'feeling' it, I've decided to list it down here. This is going to be one mushy post. So readers be warned.
Love is...
1) when hubbs does the laundry daily without complaining.
2) when hubbs places money in my purse without telling me when he knows I'm broke.
3) when hubbs picks up and cleans up after Elmo.
4) when hubbs doesn't complain no matter how messy I am.
5) when hubbs always allows me to pick what and where I like to eat.
6) when hubbs lets me press his nose when he's snoring and not get angry that I've woken him up.
7) when hubbs finishes everything I cook and says its yummy no matter how horrible I know it tastes.
8) when hubbs drops everything to rush home to catch 'mickey mouse' when it freaked me out.
9) when hubbs doesn't insist I do anything I don't want to.
10) when hubbs patiently waits for me at work for hours.
And finally I know I'm loved because no matter how lousy a wife I know I am (ya ya those who know me try to stop agreeing ok? :) ) God has decided to 'torture' hubbs instead of me :)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
One of those days
Today has been one of those days. A day where nothing seems really wrong but neither does it seem normal or right. Maybe the long weekend and getting back to the realities and frustration of work made it a little more 'abnormal'. Maybe for me it is like how one feels when you've been running and if you keep going at it, it would be fine, but when you stop your legs start to ache and you just can't seem to continue anymore. So, though long weekends are good it is sometimes too much of a good thing for me.
Then again maybe it has nothing to do with the long weekend but it is just one of those days when I'm feeling moody, frustrated with people and down for no reason.
But what made my day end on a higher note was the cute e-greeting card that I received from Noe today. Although it was a simple message it was encouraging to know that someone was thinking of me even though she probably had a tougher week than me. Sometimes we may feel that small gestures don't really matter. But today clearly proved that sometimes the smallest things can make a difference in how we remember and end each day.
So this serves as a reminder to me not to shy away from gestures that may seem 'frivolous' but know that whatever little smile or simple hi may just be the thing that brightens a person's day. So lying here in bed, writing this entry, with hubbs humming his night symphony next to my ear, I'm ready to sleep and face tomorrow thanks to someone, who thought of me. :)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Elmo lost his balls :(
Something really weird happened yesterday. Elmo woke up on Tuesday a perfectly intact dog, went for a short drive to the vet and came back drousy and short of two dangling members. :( Yup, yesterday Elmo got his balls chopped.It was a real tough decision for hubbs and I. We have been contemplating whether we should get him neutered or not for a while now. We initially winced at the idea, especially hubbs, being man and all, but everyone kept telling us that it was the right and responsible thing to do as dog owners. In addition, apparently studies have shown that dogs that have been neutered suffer from fewer illnesses. I guess with two less members, diseases would obviously have less places to stike. We were also told that neutered dogs were less aggressive and were less likely to roam/escape to look for a mate. Even with all these compelling reasons, we were reluctant to get him chopped. But after speaking to Elmo's breeder, his trainer and looking at the ever serene Rusty, we were finally convinced that it was the right thing to do.
Although it has been heart wrenching looking at him recover from the operation (the poor boy has not eaten for 2 days and has a cone to prevent him from licking his scars) we are consoling ourselves that it is short pain for long term gain. The good thing is that after 48 hours, Elmo is 60% back to his usual self but we feel very very guilty for removing his manhood. Hubbs asked me if we had another dog, would I agreed to neuter the dog after seeing what we put Elmo through.Honestly I don't know. So here's praying that we made the right ecision. Anyway, above are pictures of Elmo immediately after we brought him home from the clinic. Please pray that the wounds will heal quickly and that he'll be back to being naughty Elmo real soon.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Goodbye Dr Lim
I think last week I blogged about this nice uncle, Dr Lim Say Wan, who was suffering from cancer. Yesterday he was called home to the Lord. I am sure going to miss seeing him in church and having this nice man remember my name.
I attended his wake service yesterday. During the service, pastor Andrew gave a very meaningful sermon on how we finish our life. This was followed by short eulogies by Dr Lim's friends. What struck me about the entire service as well as what was said about him was that it really doesn't matter how successful you are or how rich you are or even how many friends you have. At the end of the day it is how you have touched lives and how one chooses to glorify God even through the pain and suffering.
It was shared that even during His last few days on earth, through the pain, Dr Lim, though a relatively young Christian continued to be thankful to God and chose to praise and glorify Him with whatever few words he could muster. He's was also remembered as a perfect gentleman by many and how he made the effort to remember the names of the people he meets and be genuinely concerned about them.
Though this man had a superbly illustrious career as a doctor, locally and internationally and was obviously very well to do, it was to me, the 'big' things in life that he chose to do that will continue to live on in the lives of those who have been blessed by know him.
So uncle, lucky you for getting to chill with Jesus in the big house up there but I'm certainly going to miss the warm sincere "Hi (my name). How are you?".
Saturday, November 22, 2008
My last goodbye, house 16
Bye bye house...
Bye bye pool..
Bye bye club house..
Bye bye comfy bedroom...
Bye bye kitchen.....
Yup. After the many months of delaying and whinning we're finally spending the last night at our very first house. 16, Jalan PJU 1/46D, Aman Suria. As usual, hubbs and I have left many things to the last minute and hence we're not feeling as sad as we would if things were not as hurried.
Driving back from boy's place after unloading our boxes, it hit me that it is the last time I'll enter the community at night. The last time I get to see the park, the roads and my dear dear house.
My very first home ownership. The house that hubbs and I first lived in as a married couple. Also the house that boy and wifey first lived in as husband and wife. It is also the house that Elmo has come to know as home. So many memories in just 3 years and 11 months. Sigh...I'm so gonna miss you house.
Thanks for the memories, if I could I would hug you. Ta ta no16 :(
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Elmo Loves His Durians :)
We have discovered what makes Elmo go ga-ga. It's durians!! He totally loves the foul smelling bitter sweet custardy fruit. He'll do anything for it. Here's proof.
Nowadays they have all kinds of methods used for dog training. I'm sure durian training beats them all.
And after having his fill of durian he shows his appreciation exactly the same way as hubbs shows his after burping and farting. Like father like son :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Congrats Dr June!!!
Great news!! My online doc, and my loyal blog reader, is finally a specialist. After 14 years slogging it out my dear friend can now have many additional initials behind her name. So many that I don't even know what it means. Dr June Sim MBBS. M.OHS FAFOEM. Occupational Physician.
Now if only she's in my part of the world it would mean I would never have to pay for medical consults anymore :)Anyway big big Congratulations!!! Hubbs and I are most most most happy for you and I'm most proud of you!!
My next aspiration for her would be that she finds a non doctor husband soon. Any takers? Post pictures on this blog if you're interested :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Updates and Prayer Requests
It has been while since I last updated my blog. I guess it is because ever since the Bali trip I've been less inspired to blog as everything seems mundane all over again. But just to keep my three trusty blog followers updated, I shall just have a quick recap as to what has been happenning since my trip back from Bali.
Work has been crazy, as usual, but I've also been busy trying to move house or rather trying to hang on to my existing place as long as possible. I was supposed to move out last week but since the buyer hasn't paid me I'm holding on as long as possible. Everything else in the house has been moved including our bed so Hubbs and I have begun sleeping on the floor. We only have Elmo, ourselves and our clothes left to move. That shows how reluctant we are about giving up the house. But saying all that I think it's going to be fun moving in with Boy and wifey. It's going to be bachelor pad all over again.
At the same time, I've also been busy trying to design the new place and do all the necessary submissions so that renovation can start once we get the keys to the new place. By the looks of it, we'll most likely be camping with Boy and wifey for at least 6 months or maybe more. So please pray that everything runs smoothly and that I don't keep changing my mind on the designs. Latest on design is that I've decided to convert one floor into the masterbed room and an entire room will be converted into our bathroom. I'm hoping stucturally everything will be feasible.
Other than that, HOOORRAAYYY..we're done with Sunday School for the year. I guess the kids will miss Sunday School but I think the teachers certainly would appreciate the break. No more 6am Sunday mornings for me for 2 months!! However, the sad thing would be missing the 3 heroes of Sunday School Kim, Ah Lan and Yu Pin. I'm especially going to miss having Yu Pin in our team and beyond a doubt going to miss Kim. I don't think Sunday School will be the same without them around :(
As for sad news, I met up with Noeline a week ago and she updated us on her chemo progess. Unfortunately, her cancer markers have gone up again and there's a possibility it has spread to her lungs and more into her lymph nodes. We are still hoping and praying that this is not so. I can't comprehend how can Noeline look so good and healthy and yet have all these horrible things going on inside her. So please continue to pray for her continued healing and that God will continue to sustain her.
Another prayer request would be for Dr Lim Say Wan. As I write this, Dr Lim is in ICU getting ready to meet the Lord. It's rather sad but I think after more than 5 years of his fight with cancer I think God is ready to call him home. So please pray with me that he isn't in pain. Although I don't know him very well but I must say he's one of the nicer uncles I've met. Everytime I see him in church or outside church, he never fails to make an effort to say hi to me and remember my name. He even remembers that we were in the same baptism class together and I can't even remember. I was hoping to see him last Friday at his house but unfortunately things took a turn for the worse and he had to be rushed to hospital. I'm going to miss this uncle.
So that's all the updates I have for now. Oh yes, one final thing. I've been told the pain in my left shoulder leading all the way to my left elbow, that I've been having for weeks now could be a sign of me having a heart attack. (note to Dr June, need online consult again :) - it's that time of the month again, told you so..haha ) So please pray I'll be alive for my next post :), most likely in my new room in boy's house.
Love to all reading this and thanks for checking in even though I've been slack. You guys are the best!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Kobe Me
I was told that a lot of care and effort goes into making the Kobe cattle/meat the way it is. It all begins with how it is reared. Apparently the cattle/cow lives in an environment that's stress free, surrounded by soothing music, right temperature, fed choice corn and grain, drinks beer and has daily massages. I've always wondered how lucky I would be if I'm a kobe cattle/cow..except for the being slaughtered part.
Well guess my wish has come true. For the past few days, hubbs, tt, ew and I have been living the life of a prized Kobe cow. We literally laze around the cabana the entire day looking forward to the next meal and listening to the soothing sound of the surf. Our daily highlight would be the spa sessions where we are scrubbed, massaged and soothed with milk baths. When it is meal time we are fed with freshest choice fish from the ocean and drink alcoholic cocktails, courtesy of ew.
I know for sure I'm nicely marbled but may have a slight excess of fat but the four of us are truly living the Kobe cow life. So, me Kobe.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Guess what this is?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Lazing & chillin
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Off to Bali on Air Asia
I've been whinge-ing to everyone about travelling on Air Asia. If I had a choice I would not be on Air Asia. Too bad MH ran out of tickets. I for one do not believe in this cheap air fare scam. In my particular case I paid rm780 for the fare. Additional rm50 for excess bagage (allowable 15kg, i'm travelling with 18kg-what decent female going on a 5day trip can limit herself to only 15kgs :) ) adding up to rm830. The average price of food plus drink on board is rm12 making it rm842. So plus the additional inconvenience and stress of having to walk to the plane lugging my laptop and handbag under the hot sun and up some steep steps to the plane would round up the airfare to rm900. Mh is around that price too. And you get the comfort of KLIA unlike the wet market environment of LCCT, 25kg baggage allowance and better crew, (less fake eyelashes-i'm hot(slut) looking, you're not attitude) friendlier and classier (they don't walk around with black garbage bags collecting trash)
service. So for me it's MH anytime. More value more frills.
I am an hour into the flight and the only good thing is that the flight is rather empty and I've got all 3 seats to myself. :) But not having anyone to chat with for another 2 hours will be a real challenge. Hence the blogging. :)
Tembok Bali
The rooms are super small maybe that's why it's called a 'small luxury resort'. The room's toilet is also not becoming of a 'luxurious' resort. How can a so called 5 star resort not have a separate shower stall?!! And besides, there's isn't enough room for two to stand in the toilet. To top it up the shower cum bath doesn't have a proper shower screen so when showering the entire floor including the toilet bowl ends up wet. The overall maintenance of this relatively new resort (1 year old) isn't becoming as well. Brown stains around the sink and edges of the shower is a big turn off. This is so not acceptable for a SLH resort.
I can live with a small room that doesn't have enough space to put two luggages but a small toilet without a seperate shower stall is not acceptable. But to be fair I have to say that the service staff are impecable and they really do go all out to make sure you're comfortable. They drew a lovely flower bath for us in the mini toilet but poor hubb had to clean up the petals so that he could have a proper shower. I would give the service two thumbs up. If only they could change our rooms. We tried upgrading but all the bigger rooms are fully booked.
So much for a good holiday. I think I would have been better off staying at home. As for the food, we've only had one meal and it was quite lacking. Let's hope tomorrow's breakfast will be better.
More to come.....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Update Update Update
It's been ages since I've updated my blog. I've been meaning to but the past few weeks have been crazy. Nothing much has happenned since then. My new place isn't progessing well, I've still not moved out and I'm sick again. What's new right? Thanks (again) to online doc consult, I've managed to check out my tonsils and realised that I don't have pus :). Note to online consult:( time to seriously go into virtual medicine. I bet you'll make more money than occupational medicine.)
The upside is BALI HERE I COME!!!! So I'm drowning myself with panadol, vitamin C, vitamin B and all kinds of herbal tea to fight this horrible infection. I'm so determined not to let it spoil my first holiday with Hubbs in two years!! Can't wait. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is having to travel Air Asia and go to the market place airport of LCCT. Oh well, shall remain focused on the resort. Here's the link to where we're staying. Let's hope that it's as good as it looks.
Will update once I get back :) I'm so gonna miss Elmo.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
My Favourite Cousin
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I am still alive :)
I know some of my very good friends have been checking my blog at least twice a day just to keep the count up. Thank you guys so much. You guys are totally the bestest friends I could ever ask for. It has been rather hectic the past week with raya holidays and all so I've not been able to blog much. My average get home time the past week has been around 11pm :(
Anyway, just wanna thank my few faithful friends (esiotrot, siew pau and online dr june) who have taken the time to check in on this blog even though I've not posted anything for ages. Also to let you guys know that I'm still alive and kicking although my shoulders and neck have been killing me. More on that another time. Got heaps to update so keep checking ok?
Thanks and love you guys big time :)
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Although his face isn't as cute as when he was a puppy, he still behaves like one. Of late we discovered that he loves being cradled and stroked on the head. The picture above shows him dozing off on my lap :)
He has however developed a very bad 'busy body' attitude. When he was younger, whenever there's food in his bowl he'll be so focused gobbling it down and be totally oblivious to his surroundings. Nowadays, not only is he distracted while eating by noises and people walking past the gate but he refuses to eat if we're not sitting by him! Such a spoilt dog. So unfortunately we can no longer put food in his bowl and walk away to do other chores. Nevertheless, Elmo is one big adorable sweete pie. :)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Big Move part 2
Although I'm not much of a Milo fan, I must say that I'm very grateful for their solid boxes. Great to pack with and just the right size. Hmmm..maybe they'll give me a marketing fund for product mention in this 'popular' blog of 130 visits since march08. :( like real!! Dream on Elmo!!
Packing to be continued......
Monday, September 22, 2008
Countdown to the Big move
Another 3 weeks, well to be exact another 22 days before we move out of our place. We've started packing up some non essentials such as my dvd collection, cds and books in the tv room. I thought it was going to be quite an easy process but it is proving to be quite stressful and tiring. We've only lived here for 3 years and the amount of stuff (especially mine) is shockingly much!! We are not even halfway through the room and we've already managed to fill 13 boxes and I thought moving was going to be easy :(
One good thing though about packing, I've finally done what I've always wanted to do and that is to catalogue my dvd collection. Not an easy process by it was nice being able to sort out my dvd collection by title, genre and actors. So as of today, I've got 593 titles and growing :) . Big hug and sloppy kiss :k to hubbs for patiently packing and reading out the titles to me one by one as I key them in.
Will post pictures of the packed boxes soon. Packing is stressful!! Don't be like me and underestimate the junk one can accumulate over the span of 3 years. Start early or engage professional movers!! ;)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday Night
It is Friday night and I'm impressed with myself that I'm still up blogging at midnight. Today I feel very very proud of myself. Not only am I up blogging but I've discovered how to place smileys :) on my post. (pats self on head) Now all I need to do is to learn what keys to press to convey a particular emotion. :p Guess we learn something new each day. :z
It has been quite a good week though I started off the week feeling sick. But must say that it ended quite well. We had dinner in Senses tonight. Had my favourite seared foie grae, port jelly foie grae and super huge luscious oysters flown in from Coffin Bay in Australia. Best oysters I've ever had in a while. Not only does it not have that muddy taste but it truly melts in the mouth. Oh and I guess I've put back the 2kgs I lost from being sick last weekend.
A perfect ending to the week :L
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Meaning of Life????
Just a few days back, a good friend of mine called to tell me that she may be moving to China for a couple of years because her husband is going to get posted there. As she hasn't exactly made up her mind as to whether to follow her husband, she asked me what my thoughts were on the matter. Should she follow him and give up her hot shot career here or move with him and having to start all over again in a new country just because of two years. My immediate reaction was "China?!!! Go Go can you leave your husband alone in China for two years?". On one hand I reacted that way because we all know China ladies do have quite a reputation with expatriate men but on the other hand it seemed preposterous that a newly married couple should be separated for such a long time. It was only last year when Hubbs and I were separated because of his work for 3 months. Half way through his stint I visited him where he was working and when I saw him, it took me a day before I could adjust to the fact that he's my husband. For me it just felt weird having this person in my life again. And this was just 1 month apart. I fear to think what would happen to us should he be posted away for longer periods of time.
Anyway, back to topic at hand. You see most of my friends are in their mid to late 30s, married, without kids, and are all very successful up the career ladder. But unfortunately this doesn't come without a price. I do know most of them work extremely long hours to the extend that both husband and wife, though living together and sharing the same bed, hardly spend much time together. It's either one is working late till wee hours of the night or the other is traveling for work. What does it all mean at the end? Yes, they probably be able to retire in their 40s, go on the best and most expensive holidays, live in super plush houses and be treated at the best hospitals in their old age. But we all die at the end right?
So isn't it better to be mediocre? If my friends are reading this, they would probably say "look who's talking". But I think over the years whether for better or worse my approach to life and money has changed. I don't deny wanting loads of money, I don't deny wanting to have the best of everything life has to offer. But somehow it doesn't seem to be the "be all and end all" of my life anymore. Someone else will always have more than me.
So how should I live my life for it to be meaningful? What do I want out of life? For me I would like to think it would be as follows (in no particular order except for number 1) :
1) To be someone who glorifies God in all I do (very challenging for me)
2) To talk to God daily.
3) Work hard and earn all the money I can. (very challenging as well..I'm quite lazy)
4) Be willing to give it all away to God anytime.(Love to be able to do this)
5) To find people to care for. (I love doing this)
6) Not to hold grudges. (hmm...let's ask hubbs)
7) To try to forgive always ( trying)
8) To die surrounded with people who love me (no
9) To remembered for more ways I've touched others than ways I've hurt others. (not succeeding so far)
10) To be hugged and give hugs daily.
11) To be able to say "sorry" even when I know I'm right.(I am.. most of the time:)..hee hee)
Now that I've got it all listed out, hopefully I'll be able to put it into practice someday.
No One Visits My Blog :(
Ok ok...the "kiasu-ness" in me has infected this blog. I was just reading other blogs and realised that a decent blog has at least a few hundred hits a day. Mine is averaging 4 hits a day and that includes me visiting the blog once, maybe twice a day. This is so sad. I've also recently installed this tracker by the side to see where my 4 hits a day originate from. One from Perth- my online doc :), one from Oklahoma - cow cow, and 2 from KL- me and me.
So my two loyal readers, please visit twice a day so that I can start averaging 6 hits a day :)
Current mood: Kiasu-ly lame :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Female Meaning of 'Go Forth and Multiply'
Someone sent me this today describing the female's great ability to do more with what she is given. I believe most married men will agreed. My hubbs certainly does! Well, maybe not the first part, but he sure agrees with the final sentence. He reckons my gift for that is unmatchable :)
"Whatever you give a woman, she's going to multiply. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So - if you give her crap , you will get a bucket full of s**t "
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Ok I'm officially sick. Diarrhea has gotten worse. Feeling nauseated and very lethargic. I think the lymph node below my neck is swollen so there's this bruised feeling when I tilt my head right. Missed church and Sunday School today. Missed dinner with Rev Ong and family :(
Thank God for online Dr June. She's the best. If only she was in KL then I would never have to go see crap GPs. Went to see the neighborhood doctor yesterday and apparently my lymph node is swollen because my tonsils are super inflamed. But how can they be inflamed if I don't feel any pain. Oh well go figure. So much for neighborhood doc.
Time to hit the toilet again :(
Friday, September 12, 2008
What on Earth is Happening to the Country???
I'm so upset with what is happening to our country. People that should be arrested are not whereas those who probably do not deserve to be arrested are being detained. There's so much I want to let out but I know it is not possible here. I so wish I had someone to talk to and hopefully see a way out of all this!! What can I do? To blog about it could lead to severe repercussions and to keep it in makes me more sick than I already am. A friend of mine is already setting up businesses in China and has a back up plan all in place. What about me? Is anyone else feeling as frustrated as me????
To be very honest, I don't really care which political party comes to power. All I want is to be able to live in this country free of trouble and discrimination. I know this may not sit well with some die hard reformist but call me short sighted for all I care. I just want all this s**t to go away so that the country can continue to prosper and that all can live without being suspicious of each other. Come to think of it, in my little gold fish bowl world, it seems like I wish that the country would go back to the good old days where cronyism and corruption was out in the open. At least then, all the big whales were well fed and minions like us benefit from their cast offs. With all the whales satisfied, as least there was some semblance of peace and harmony!!!
Current mood: Sick, frustrated and wanting to throw something against the wall!!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Is Medicine Sorcery?
Just last week this guy I know was complaining about having a bad back. So, me being my usual busy body self suggested that he either visit a doctor or a physiotherapist. Then he shared that he's been visiting a few physios secretly as his wife is totally against seeking any kind of medical treatment other than healing through faith and prayer. Apparently she believes that visiting doctors means doubting God's ability to heal. I've never met his wife but from what I know she's rather well educated and I was rather surprised that there are actually smart people out there that can be so misguided.
I've mentioned somewhere in one of my postings before that I know that God can do things that humanly we cannot even begin fathom but I also believe that God uses people such as doctors to carry out His healing work in the world. Sometime back I received an article written by our bishop on how some people out there, including some within the Methodist church that have been severely misguided by false prophets in our midst. I'm not sure whether there's any kind of copyright infringement here by posting his article but I'm going to risk it as I believe that the article really sets the record straight about what the bible feels about modern medicine.
Is Medicine Sorcery? By Bishop Hwa Yung (Source: Pelita June 2008)
What a silly question to ask? Really?
A couple of months ago I received a desperate call from a pastor of one of our churches. At least two couples in his church had come under the influence of the teaching, propagated by certain websites in America, that medicine is a form of sorcery. It is also taught by certain leaders of some independent and charismatic churches in our country, although they appear to be only a tiny minority. Unfortunately the effect has been devastating for some who have come under their influence.
The pastor who called told me that the husband of one of the couples had been diagnosed of suspected cancer. But he was told that medicine was a form of sorcery and to seek medical treatment was equivalent to idolatry. He should instead trust God as the true healer. The result was that the person concerned believed that he had been healed by God through prayer, but nevertheless died a few months later!
In the case of another couple in the same church, the wife had been suffering from terrible bodily pains. Following the same teaching, they refused medical care even though the wife’s condition deteriorated to the point that she was bedridden much of the time. When they finally sought medical help, it was diagnosed as a severe case of rheumatoid arthritis. Left untreated, it had given rise to intense suffering and could have even led to an early death. Meanwhile, the woman’s brother was suffering from an incurable illness, although the effect of which could have been partially arrested through a cocktail of drugs, thereby prolonging his life substantially. Yet again, under the same influence, he stopped medication and died within a short time.
I had heard such stories before and now I find myself face to face with a similar situation in one of our own churches.
This article is based on the sermon I preached at the church on that Sunday morning when I was there, seeking to deal with a situation of utter confusion and desperation! Let me therefore say right away that my concern here is primarily pastoral. Moreover, it is addressed to Christians deeply troubled and devastated by false teachings in our churches!
A case of bad logic
The immediate source of this teaching comes from an article posted on an American website titled, ‘Roots of Modern Medicine.’ The argument put forward is that modern medicine comes from the Greeks. One of the most important aspects of traditional Greek medicine is the Hippocratic Oath, which is basically pagan or idolatrous. It begins with the words: ‘I swear by Apollo the Physician, and Asklepios and Hygieia, and all the gods and goddesses that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this oath …’ The article argues that modern
medicine is rooted in pagan practices and therefore a form of idolatry and/or sorcery. The Bible teaches that healing comes from God. Therefore we should not go to doctors and instead should seek healing from God alone.
The first thing that must be said about this line of teaching is that the reasoning is badly flawed.
To begin with, whilst it is true that the Hippocratic Oath was taken before pagan gods and goddesses, no doctor today takes that oath and certainly not with the same idolatrous associations! We cannot therefore simply jump to the conclusion that modern medicine is associated with idolatry. Nevertheless, as an aside, it should be noted that there are many good ethical principles enshrined in the Hippocratic Oath, such as never giving anything harmful to the sick, refusing to carry out abortions and never taking advantage of patients. These remain the ideals of many in the medical profession today, even though, sadly, they have often been violated by some.
The above article actually only deals with western medicine. Doctors of old, outside the Greco-Roman world, had nothing to do with the Hippocratic Oath. At the same time it is true that in most cultures, medicine and religious/occultic practices were usually inseparably mixed together. Does this mean that, because all forms of medicine in most cultures have pagan religious associations, therefore medicine is idolatrous? Such an argument demonstrates bad logic once again. The fact is that there is hardly anything that we have today, which has been passed down to us from the past, that was not associated with religious/occultic practices of sorts. For example, astronomy began with roots in astrology. Yet we do not refer to astronomers today as pagan priests! Although they shared similar roots, over time astronomy and astrology became clearly demarcated from one another. In exactly the same way, with the advancement of our understanding of God’s creation, modern medicine became by and large separated from its religious/occultic roots. We therefore have to conclude that in general modern medicine has little or nothing to do with ancient paganism.
One more thing needs to be said. If the argument is that anything with idolatrous roots will always remain idolatrous, then I am afraid that would apply to Christianity too! What many Christians forget is that, when God called Abraham and his descendents, they were at that point of time not worshippers of Jehovah/Yahweh, the God of the Old Testament. A careful reading of Genesis will show that they were in fact pagans worshipping many gods. Any doubt about this is completely removed by Joshua’s assertion when he reminded the Israelites that ‘Long ago your forefathers …worshipped other gods’ (Jos 24:2), and his challenge to them to ‘throw away the gods your forefathers worshipped beyond the River and in
What the Bible teaches?
One of the great things that have happened to the church in the last few decades has been the rediscovery of the power of the Holy Spirit. But what is often forgotten in the midst of all the excitement of the practice of spiritual gifts is a simple reminder by Paul when he said, ‘Do not quench the Spirit …but test everything’ (1 Th 5:19&21), especially the need to test all claims to the work of the Spirit by the plain teaching of the Bible. Those who have been responsible for propagating the idea that Christians should not see doctors are often those with the gift of healing and have seen God healing marvelously through simple prayer! This much need not be denied. But
I suspect that often such persons forget that they may nevertheless lack the gift of teaching! Indeed, if they have a teaching gift as well, they would certainly know how to test their ideas by the plain teaching of Scriptures.
This brings us to the question of what the Bible has to say concerning medicine. First, the Bible does not teach a sharp distinction between divine healing and the use of natural means. For example, although Paul had a powerful gift of healing, he could nonetheless advise Timothy to drink a little wine ‘because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses’ (1 Tim 5:23). From time immemorial, the medicinal value of wine is well-known. Again, God had promised Hezekiah through the prophet Isaiah that he would be healed of a terminal disease. Yet, this was immediately followed by Isaiah giving instructions to use figs as a poultice for healing (Isa 38:21). This example clearly shows that divine healing and the use of medicine are fully compatible.
Careful examination of the Bible shows that it not only speaks of the use of medicine positively, it even uses medicine as a metaphor for healing spiritually. For example, the Prophet Jeremiah clearly refers to medicinal remedies (qeha in Hebrew; 30:13; 46:11) as a metaphor for the deeper spiritual healing that
Some pastoral considerations
The above shows that the case that medicine is sorcery becomes totally unsustainable in light of clear reasoning and, especially, the plain teaching of the Bible. What important pastoral considerations follow?
First, illnesses and diseases arise from different causes: genetic disorders, bacterial and viral infections, sin in personal lives, emotional disorders, and even demonic attacks. Ultimately all healing comes from God. But this does not mean that He cannot use different means—prayer, repentance, a loving community, medicine, surgery, etc. Certainly, we should seek God for healing in all cases. But we should also use all other proper means that He has ordained freely and joyfully!
Second, nowhere does the Bible promise that all would be healed. Again some clear thinking helps here. If God intends all to be healed, then there is no need for anyone to die physically. But that would be absurd! Even Cho Yong-Gi, the pastor of the largest Pentecostal church in the world and who has had a powerful healing ministry, clearly states in his book, How can I be Healed? (Seoul Logos, 1999, pp.135-143) that not all would be healed. The reasons he gives are, first, unrepentance, second, it is God’s time for these persons to return to Him, and, third, that God has some special plans for them. Wise words indeed!
Thirdly, those of us who are in the healing ministry must be careful of what we teach and say. As noted earlier, God may have given us a powerful gift of healing. But do we also have the gift of teaching to go with it? If we lack that, we must ask God for it so that our healing ministry is not compromised, or even negated, by bad or false teachings on our part. God has given us the Bible as our guide and if we do not use it properly then we will be severely judged for our failure (James 3:1).
Fourthly, in whatever ministry we are involved, there must be integrity. Without truthfulness and integrity, our ministries and churches will eventually implode! Many who have believed the teaching that Christians should not seek medical treatment have died or seen their loved ones die. The simple question is: How many more must die before we honestlyface up to the fact that this teaching has no real biblical support?
Sadly, those who have gone round advocating this have not been forthright about the numbers that have died under them or because of their influence. And unfortunately their colleagues and supporters appear to have maintained a conspiracy of silence as well! We only hear their success stories, whilst others are left to pick up the
broken pieces of their devastated lives and shattered faith, more often than not on their own without any help from those who had promised so much!
Space prohibits me from elaborating further. The reader may sense that this has been written with a certain degree of anger. But members of our church and others have died needlessly. How can we remain indifferent and not be angry! This matter confronts us with two urgent final concerns. First, the church must make serious efforts to rediscover its ministry of healing through prayer and fasting. We should pray earnestly that God will raise up many with the gift of healing in our midst. That is one sure way by which many will be brought to Christ and God’s
saving power manifested to the world.
But, secondly, at every level of the church, we must reemphasize the centrality of the Bible’s teaching. It is when we know our Bible, then and only then will we be set free from the bondage of erroneous teaching and satanic deceptions which are often, as this particular case shows, literally quite deadly!.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Living Off The Good Graces of Others
Recently there has been so much talk about race and religion in the country that it started me thinking about my future in this country. When I read about how the Chinese are "lucky" to be allowed to stay on in this country, it really got my blood boiling. The thing is that I've never felt that I don't belong in this country that I was born and raised in and certainly I've never felt like an immigrant. I guess I've been naive all along and this recent incident really made me realise the attraction of moving to greener pastures. I mean if you're going to be told in your face that you're living off another person's good graces, and that the time will come when such good graces will expire, why not move on? Whenever I hear of a friend moving to live in Singapore, US or Australia, I've always been the first to expound my feelings of how great our country is and how silly of them to move to another place and be treated like a 2nd class citizen. Have I been foolish?
Did my grandparents not contribute to building this country? Did my parents not work hard and pay their taxes? Am am I living off the good graces of others and not contributing in any way to this country? In addition to working hard, paying taxes, contributing to the needy of society, what more can I do to prove that I more than deserve to be a worthy enough to call this country, my country, my nation and my home.
Current state of mind: Depressed, confused and disillusioned
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Nut job!!
I just read the following story in The Star today. How desperate can one get? IMO the headline should read as "Welder's plan to screw got screwed" :)
Welder`s love plans unscrewed
JOHOR BARU: A welder who tried to elongate his penis with a nut found himself in a pickle when the nut got stuck after he had an erection.
The victim, from Taman Sri Skudai, had apparently been trying to increase the length of his penis ahead of his engagement next week when disaster struck.
t is learnt that the incident occurred on Thursday and the 20-something-year-old victim went to the Sultanah Aminah Hospital here to seek treatment when he was unable to get the nut off himself.
Unfortunately, hospital authorities were at a loss and had to call the Fire and Rescue Department for assistance.
A department spokesman confirmed that they received a call from the hospital yesterday, and sent seven firemen to help out.
They, too, were unable to remove the nut.
At press time, the nut was still firmly attached to the base of the man's genitals.
This is the second case in the past week involving objects stuck on penises. On Aug 25, firemen were summoned to the University Malaya Medical Centre in Kuala Lumpur to cut a steel ring from a patient's penis after numerous attempts by doctors failed to dislodge it. It is believed the patient, in his 20s, had slipped the ring onto his penis to increase his sexual prowess."
I think anyone silly enough to resort to such measures either has a disastrously small member or a pea sized brain. Maybe more of the latter.
I also wonder as to how well trained our public sector doctors are since they had to call the fire department for help in dealing with such a small matter (no pun intended). Or maybe the steel ring actually worked so well that a scalpel couldn't do the work and they needed an axe. :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Update on Crap Doc
Last Thursday, I followed Noe to see her doctors. I met her oncologist (I'm surprised how young the doctor is..a little too young for my liking to be treating Noe and speaks with a wanna be accent) as well as the "world renowned" surgeon who messed up her chemo port, who also speaks with a "keh ang moh" accent. What is it with people who have been overseas to study...there's no need to show off your accent!!
I don't know about you but I have a certain expectation of what doctors should look like. And trust me, this surgeon looked more like a market pork seller than a surgeon. Prior to the visit, Noe took our advice and met Prof Y for a second opinion on her chemo port. As expected, Prof Y said that the port had to be taken out and what more it was infected/swollen and sweating from the scars. Unfortunately, the "world renowned" surgeon had to take it out since no one would want to touch his shoddy work. We were rather upset because that would mean Noe would have to get him to operated on her again. Poor Noe.
When it was our turn for the consult with crap doc, he was shocked to see that Noe brought friends with her and if I noticed correctly, he was trembling. And I must say that was quite satisfying. To his credit, this time he actually apologized for the non functioning leaky chemo port. But I was rather disgusted that he touched Noe's hand in the midst of consoling her. I was so tempted to tell him to take his hands off my friend but I had to control myself because he still had to work on Noe. Crap doc had the audacity to suggest that maybe Noe should let him carry out more test on the port. Come on!!! What other test are needed? The scars are sweating, the surrounding area inflamed and she was already burnt once by the chemo. Just get the bloody thing out before things get worse!!
One would think that rather than risk being sued, one would try to salvage what is left of a bad situation by suggesting that the following operation would not be charged. So when we clearly stated that it would not be right for Noe to have to bear the cost of any follow up operation, he agreed that he would not be charging her for his work but she would have to pay for other related medical and hospital charges for the operation. This got us fuming mad as it certainly wasn't by choice that Noe had to undergo another operation under GA. And guess what? Crap doc again had the audacity to suggested that maybe he should do the operation under the Government Wing rather than the Private Wing to save her money. Can you imagine how insulted we were!!!What balls!!!! (forgive my language- just so fed up with crap doc) Come on!! It's isn't about the money but the sheer principle of the whole thing. Doesn't he know that a leaky chemo port is solid grounds for a lawsuit? And to think he would rather risk his already "world renown" reputation over 2 measly thousands?!! All he needs is to do another 2 crappy operations on an innocent unassuming patient and all the cost would be covered.
To further reinforce his crappy-ness as a surgeon, he missed what I would think would be a rather standard procedure to check on especially with a cancer patient. As Noe just finished her first week of chemo and as expected according to her oncologist, her white blood cells were rather low and susceptible to infection. Noe clearly informed him twice that her WBC were low,(around 2.4) but he didn't even ask to see the blood test report and immediately scheduled a surgery the next day for the port to be removed. Thank goodness when we went back to see the oncologist and informed her that the operation would be the next day, she had the presence of mind to call up "crap doc" to suggest that he do the operation few days later when the WBCs improves. Is he crap or what?!!!
Anyway, Noe now has to wait for her WBC to improve and may only be able to remove the infected chemo port early this week. Guess what? Crap doc didn't even prescribe anything for the infection. The oncologist had to do his job for him!!
Please help pray that when Noe goes under this crap doc's knife again, he won't mess anything up and that her new line will be done much better by another doc in SJMC. (where I personally think she should have gone to in the first place)
Friday, August 15, 2008
Is It So Difficult For Doctors To Say Sorry?
Ok before I start griping about how unprofessional some doctors can be I just want to clarify that I do acknowledge that God has a purpose for everyone and truly there are some doctors who are put here on earth to be God's healing hands. Unfortunately, there are also some who have gone ahead of themselves and think that they are god and that the rest of the world owes them a living.
In my opinion, I believe that any doctor that goes into the profession for the money do not qualify to be doctors. If money is the motivation then truly these doctors are doing an injustice to mankind. How can a doctor look at a patient and only see dollar signs and not the welfare of the patient? How can a doctor look at a patient and not empathize with the suffering and pain that the patient is going through? How can a doctor look at a patient and not want to do their best to heal or easy the patient's suffering? I know everyone is allowed an off- form day but unfortunately I think when it comes to dealing with anothers life there aren't second chances.
When someone chooses to be a doctor it comes with the job that they are expected to live up to a higher standard of care. Clearly no one is perfect and mistakes are made. But when you are dealing with a life and a mistake is made, there is even more reason why doctors should learn to apologize. I understand doctors find it very difficult to acknowledge that a mistake has been made for fear of lawsuits but as the saying goes there are many ways to skin a cat. One need not apologize for the mistake but at least be empathetic and acknowledge the pain that the patient has to endure for the "unexplainable" event/ situation.
So what caused this ranting? I've blogged previously about my friend Noe. As mentioned in my earlier post, her last scan results were not good and she has to undergo a much more intensive chemo treatment, this time 3 sets of 5 daily session in a row with a gap of one week in between sessions. When she did her earlier round of chemo, it was decide that to ease the pain of all the poking and vein finding, she would insert a chemo port. So she went to see this doctor, Dr C Ng, who is supposedly a surgeon at the hospital she's being treated in. From what I understand from my cousin, a chemo port is usually inserted close to the neck region where there is less flesh. For whatever reason this is done I'm not too sure. Anyway, this "brilliant" doctor decided to charge my friend $4,000 to insert the port. But after her surgery, when she woke up, she noticed that the port had been inserted just above the swell of her breast. When she asked this "brilliant" Dr C Ng, he said that he did it for cosmetic reasons, in case she wanted to wear any low cutting tops.
Come on!!!! Here's my friend trying to fight for her life and he's telling her about cosmetic reasons. How idiotic can he get?? So when she went for next cycle of chemo, as expected the port did not function well. So C came (note he doesn't deserve to be called a doctor) he twiddled with the port and lucky for him got it to work. Unfortunately, that was the first and last time it worked. So poor Noe had her veins poked for subsequent sessions. When the first cycle was completed, she returned to see C and all he could say was to wait for the scan results in order to decide how to proceed. The best thing was that for that so called "consultation", C had the audacity to charge her for the visit. Not a word of apology!!!
Unfortunately, as mentioned, the scan wasn't encouraging hence this new chemo session. Since her forearm veins can no longer be poked, she returned to C and went under GA for him to put in a new port. Mind you, the old port still remains. This time he charged her $2000 to correct his shoddy work. Just last Tuesday, Noe began her latest series of treatments, and guess what?! the port didn't work again. Not only did it not work but it leaked. Noe was in such pain and was crying as the nurses took the line out as the chemo leaked and burned her surrounding tissue. As expected, C was no where to be found. Even the oncologist couldn't reach him!! It is so frustrating to see someone who is already suffering to have to suffer more because of another's incompetence. So now Noe has to be poked day after day through whatever feasible vein on her hand.
I'm sharing this because not only because I want to vent but to warn others out there to stay away from this doctor. He doesn't deserve to be a doctor. Like my friend put it, he was more interested in reading about some anal probe allegation on his desktop than looking at her breast :) That truly shows how committed he is as a doctor. The shocking thing was that apparently he's know among other doctors as a con-man. I'm not upset that he made the mistake, what I am pissed off about is that he didn't even apologize to my friend for putting her though all this. So dear people, be aware and be careful when choosing doctors!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Sad week
It has been a rather sad week for me. First it was regards to my GM's mother who was recently diagnosed with cancer and had a hysterectomy. We visited her mom early last week and were very surprised that she recovered so quickly for a person of her age. She was extremely chatty and happy to see us when we where there. But lately, my GM shared with me that her mom over the weekend did sillythings like taking all her sleeping pills, drinking clorox and refusing to talk and eat. I visited her with a friend to pray for the mom and unfortunately it was so obvious that the lady I saw a week earlier was no longer the same. All she wanted to do was sleep and ignore us. I called my doctor friend and was adviced to get her to see the psychiatrist immediate. My GM immediately took her in the afternoon and the doctor prescribed some anti depressents and did a brain scan. The results came out and confirmed that her brain has shrunk. How is this possible? How can a perfectly sane
lady become senile just over one month? Apparently nothing much can be done except to hold the old lady and her family in our prayers as they face this new challenge in life.
The other sad news is about my friend Noe. She has just completed her 2nd round of chemo and apparently her latest scan doesn't look very promising. The doctors are now trying to figure out the next course of action. If you are reading this, even if you don't know her please please pray for God's healing to be upon her. Everytime I think of her I can't seem to control my tears but she with God's grace is so strong and cheeful. Please God, please heal her.
The latest crap/sad new I had to deal with this week was with regards to one of my manager's baby. The poor baby who is only 4 months old has been sick over a month and after being transferred from one hospital to another and after having been poke probed and puctured, the doctors can't seem to figure what is wrong with him. First it was suspected leukemia and then all the many test came out inconclusive. Today after being passed on the phone from one nurse to another in SJMC and all sounding rather reluctant to accept the child,they finally agreed to admit the baby once beds are available. Please pray that God will send capable doctors to help to help give this baby a fighting chance at life.
My prayer for this week is that God's peace and grace will be upon all those afflicted and that God will show me how I can help them and not feel so useless.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
New House
After much contemplation and delay, I've finally signed the sale and purchase agreement on my new house. I know I should be feeling elated that we're moving to a bigger house but somehow this nagging feeling of how are we going to make ends meet continues to bug me. I would like to think I've made the right choice so i'm not sure why I am feeling this way. I guess for now all I can do is hope that all plans fall into place.
Now the tough part on renovating and doing up the house begins. With construction cost going up like crazy I may be better off moving to live with my parents indefinetely and save money till I have a million bucks before I start my renovation works. Oh well, this year is indeed a year of change. Pray for me :)
Monday, July 14, 2008
Elmo Abuse
People have been asking me about my marks but no one believes that it was Hubbs that inflicted it onto me. Their immediate response was a big hearty laugh. Looks like I can't count on anyone for sympathy when it comes to Hubbs :( I guess Hubbs really does come across as a sweet harmless guy. Just my luck!!
Jokes aside, please pray that Elmo stops abusing me and that my bruises will dissapear soon.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Elmo's First Grooming
We sent Elmo for his first grooming session last Saturday. It was really exciting for him and he came back looking like 130 bucks. Which I believe by a dog's standard is very 'hot' looking. He had his nails done, facial hair removed and a super neat hair cut.
The only unfortunately thing from the whole session was that he played hang man as well. You see when these professional groomers groom dogs, they put a thin noose around the dog's neck and let them stand on a table barely big enough for a big dog like Elmo and the table is elevated at least 4ft from the ground. The poor boy was so excited to see Hubbs and I after the groomer was done with him and lost his balance on the table and fell off. So he was literally hanging with the noose around his neck and his four legs hanging off the table. Luckily the table toppled if not poor Elmo would be no more :( Thank God everything turned out fine but Elmo was super tired after the entire session.
The Handsome Boy..
Monday, June 30, 2008
Polling on kids
Dear Friends,
Of late I've been receiving no less than 5 not so subtle probings a day as to why Hubbs and I are not having kids. Even my gynea who I've only seen twice has nagged me about this. But that could be for other reasons. Anyway as both of us are truly indifferent, though if Hubbs could carry the baby for 9 months I'll be all for it, I've decided that the best way to go about this would be to set up a poll.
I know many reading this would have some kind of vested interest in me having a kid, but I do request that you limit yourself to one vote per person. I would also request that should you vote "Yes" to please include in this post 10 reasons why I should have a child. At this moment I won't commit as to what Hubbs and I will do with the results of the poll but I am sure that it will push us over one side of the fence.
Nevertheless, someone did mention to me that bringing another child into this fallen world only brings suffering upon the poor child. Especially given the existing food crisis. Think of all the many unwanted children without anyone to care for them. So think carefully before you vote ok? Polling ends on 30/6/08.
Happy voting!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Yup it's official, I'm houseless. Today we sold our house. I know I should be very happy with the price that it was sold at, we more than doubled the price we paid for it, but unfortunately to I'm not. After the buyer left I actually cried :( I guess it proves again and again that money cannot prevent sentimental feelings or emotional detachment. The buyer was so eager for the place that they paid the earnest money even before looking at the house. After spending 3.5 years, living in this house it's really sad that we have to move out in 4 months. So until the new place is ready Hubbs and I will be houseless and and homeless and that could mean anything from 4 - 6 months depending on external factors. I guess it is not easy to be leaving a place where Hubbs and I shared so many memories of the start of our life together. If only we could move all those along with us :(
The upside to this whole thing is that I believe God is leading us to a newer better place and He has plans for us that we may not comprehend. Maybe this is part of God's plan to move us to a bigger house so that we will feel the need to fill all the empty rooms :) I'm grateful to all who helped pray for the right decision and I know God will lead the way.
This remind me of a passage from Proverbs 6:13 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans" I trust that this step we are taking is part of God's plan for Hubbs and I, just as He has promised in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. "Jeremiah 29:11
Bye bye house...I will miss you. Thanks for all the memories :)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Decisions decisions decisions.
Someone mentioned in the cbox that my blog is as dead as hers. Yes I am so guilty of not only neglecting my poor blog but to be honest I've not visited it for over a week. Things have been so hectic at work and domestically as well.
So finally after such a long hiatus, I've decided to post from my phone. Please forgive the spelling and gramatical errors. (what's new right?!)
The past week has been full of having to make decisions. On the business front it has been about whether to increase or not increase our menu price with the escalating costs. It has also been a week of making tough decisions as to whether to proceed or not proceed on certain pre committed outlet sites given the current economic situation.
On the domestic side, things are a little more exciting. No..I'm not pregnant or anywhere close to being pregnant. Last Friday, Hubbs and I attended a small father's day gathering at Lin & Alan's new house. Somehow the thought of how great it would be to live in a bigger house (semi-d) in a better postal code (kiara) and to top it of having Lin & Alan as neighbours creeped into my mind. What's more Elmo would finally have garden to run around in!! So since Friday, Hubbs and I have been thinking, cracking our heads and contemplating finances as to whether we should move to be neighbours with on of the nicest couples we've ever had the priviledge to know. We've also been busy seeing houses around that area and calling up real estate agents for recommendations on semi-ds within our budget. So far we've not managed to find any semi-ds in kiara going for under 2million.
So the tough decision is this - sell the current house (I totally love the current environment but the house is too small ) or buy a super good value semi-d for 1.45mil (bigger house, the surrounding isn't great but we get great neighbours)
Any advice or comments that would ease our decision would be most appreciated. We're both praying that God will show the way. Pray with us ok?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Summary of Last Week's Events
It's Sunday. The weekend is as good as over. I've been wanting to update my blog about the happenings of last week but somehow could never get my brain around to typing out proper sentences. Too tired. Anyway here's a brief recap of what has happened last week and what's on my mind.
Mummy's scope
Mummy went for her first stomach scope. It was quite scary as she didn't know what to expect and with the prevalence of cancer everywhere we didn't know what to expect from the results. She decided to go for the scope because of the recent happenings with her elder sister. My cousin insisted that she do a scope, with his friend Dr Ranjeev as the incidence of cancer in her family seems rather high. She initially did a Helicobacter pylori test and it came out negative. However when the scope was done the doctor decided to do a biopsy to check for abnormalities. Thank God from the scope everything seemed normal except that she had a few stomach ulcers that explained why she would get hungry so fast. As for the biopsy, everything was ok according to the doctor but he was surprised to find that there is presence of Helicobacter pylori in her stomach. He said that this was the first time he has encountered a blow test (which is supposedly 98% accurate) negative only to show up positive in the biopsy. Anyway, he put her on some combination of antibiotics to kill the H pylori and some medication for the ulcers for 2 weeks. Apparently the super potent antibiotics may cause nausea and super discomfort but thank God, so far mummy is feeling like normal. All in all we are all glad that there's nothing serious with mummy.
Fuel Price Increase
The price of petrol has gone up by 41%!! Apparently the government can no longer afford to subsidize fuel. I personally think that yes, we cannot expect subsidies forever but I think the government should not have suddenly increase fuel prices so drastically for the following reasons :
1) They promised not to do a fuel price adjustment before the election and I guess those that voted for the ruling coalition have been duped once again.
2) We are a net exporters of petroleum. Don't compare the rates we pay with those of Singapore and Thailand. How about comparing our fuel prices to that of Brunei and UAE? Just imagine you own a restaurant and then telling your wife and children who've helped you build the business "too bad I can't give you a discount on the food, pay full price" Ridiculous!!
3) As usual I don't think the government has fully thought through the impact of the increase especially when the country is already facing crazy price increases with basic necessities such as rice, chicken, cooking oil at historically high prices. Businesses will suffer, unemployment will increase, government tax collection will be reduced, the already high crime rate will further increase and the overall consumer sentiment will be even worse than after the shocking elections. The economy will be faced by stagflation.
Personally I am already feeling the pinch. My full tank used to be RM120, with the increase I will be paying RM50 more for a full tank. I'm more prudent in my spending, becoming rather tight fisted with money, driving less and thinking of selling my car. Anyone interested in buying a 4year old 2.5T XC90? Time to buy a MYVI.
Electricity for Businesses to increase by 26%
As mentioned everything is going up. With the fuel increase the government has also decided to increase electricity by 16% for households and 26% for businesses. Rice price has gone up by more than 100% chicken has gone up by 40%, logistic cost will go up with the fuel increase. All in all this all translates to a super double whammy for us. We can't pass on the increase to consumers through price adjustments as consumer spending has already dropped and all our costs have increased. So at the end of the day we are squeezed both from bottom and top. Anyone interested in buying the business? I'll stay on as an employee :)
Kung Fu Panda
This was the highlight of the week. Kim gave Hubbs and I premier tickets for the movie. It has been a year since we've stepped into a cinema and we are truly thankful that Kim gave us the tickets to get us off our butts to do something different in a long while. It was a nice break to the depressing events of the week. The movie was hilarious. "Po"- the panda, reminded me of Elmo. They are both motivated by food and will do anything for food :) It's so ironic that when we had to pay for movie tickets I would watch a cinema movie at least once in 2 months. Now even with a GSC VIP pass that entitles me to 2 free movie passes anytime, any movie I've never used it. So Thank You so much, Kim for the invite!! Note to Hubbs if you're reading this - we need to make an effort to watch Indiana Jones ok?
Boom Gate Situation
This is a follow up from my previous post. Last Friday the residents of my area had a meeting with the developers. It didn't start off too well because there was this silly guy (a resident) that was totally disrespectful towards our Committee chairperson. Both were fighting to speak first and another resident got involved by shouting asking the guy to shut up and it nearly escalated to a fist fight. I guess that wasn't too great considering the residents were supposed to be united on this matter. Thank God for cooler heads prevailing in the room to calm the situation. It's rather unfortunate to see residents fighting. Anyway, when the meeting finally got started, I felt that we were rather gentle towards the developers considering we were misled and duped by them. No one actually grilled them that badly that was until one silly developer's representative had the audacity to say that we should not be complaining as we have made a lot of money out of the place. He truly opened a can of "whoop-ass". As usual, the developer did not admit that they are at fault but rather they were working with MBPJ on a "goodwill" basis when the plans were approved. It was hillarious when one resident asked how much the "goodwill" cost. Anyway the residents repeatedly asked that the developers commit and acknowledge in writing their responsibility in ensuring that the boom gate issue is resolved favorably. As expected none of the representatives dared to agree. Nevertheless, the residents set a dateline for them by next Friday to get the letter or else we will demonstrate in front of the developers office and begin legal proceedings. I doubt they will produce the letter so look out for us in the Star metro ok? (The chief editor of The Star lives here as well)
So that's it for last week. Please pray with me that the coming week will be better and that God will grant Boss and I the wisdom and ability to face the challenges and uncertainties ahead.