This evening Elmo had his 2nd lesson with the dog trainer. We enrolled him for 6 classes of 1 to 1 training using the clicker system. Apparently this training method teaches the dog to think instead of trying to scare him into submission. The way I look at it, it's something like the old school method of caning your child vs the new school method a being grounded. Hmm...maybe I should have signed up for the old school method since it worked very well on me during my formative years :-)
Anyway the clicker system uses this device that makes a "click" sound hence the clicker. The device is actually a dressed up version of noise makers that one would find in a new year's eve celebration packs. Below is exactly how my clicker looks
Basically everytime Elmo does something that I like, I'm supposed to click so he knows I'm confirming his action and this is to be followed by a treat. So far the training is working as he has not bitten me today because he's too busy trying to "please" me so that he gets his treats. I'm rather concerned about his weight now as he's been adding on 1kg each week. He's now 7kgs and I bet this weekend when I take him to the vet for his final vaccination he'll be at least 8kgs. (Note to self to cut his meal portions) After only 2 lessons I'm so proud that the clever little fellow can now sit still for 30 seconds, knows how to lie down, doesn't bite his lead as much and the best thing is that he doesn't bite me!! The trainer brought with her a "kong toy" today and filled it with treats and a some peanut butter. Elmo went mad over it and kept chasing and trying to use his paws to hold it down and pry stuff out of the hole. It kept him entertained for at least 15 minutes until he managed to get all the treats out. Will get him his own Kong toy this weekend.
Kong toy
The funny thing about taking care of Elmo is that whenever I'm on my way back from work I actually dread having to "sort him out", but when I actually get back and get to his cage, I can't help but be glad that we decided to get him. He's just so adorable that picking up his poo and his soiled newspapers is no chore at all. Hope Hubb doesn't see this if not he'll assume I'll be ok picking up poo from now onwards. But how I wish Hubbs is here to watch Elmo grow :-(
Let's hope tommorrow morning Elmo will be as well behaved as he was tonight.
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