Thursday, March 13, 2008

Elmo's Not Well Again

It's that time of the day again when I'm inspired to add to my blog. Elmo was totally brilliant today. I hope I'm not saying too soon but Elmo has actually stopped biting me. I'm so proud of him. He didn't bite when I took him out in the morning nor did he bite when I took him out in the evening again. Let's hope it stays that way for good.

I've actually managed to take some latest pictures of him today. It was quite a difficult task as he is rather camera shy and tends to move away from the camera. Here are the 3 pictures that I managed to take after at least 10 attempts.

Although he looks a lot skinnier now he's actually growing taller. I was told that he's entering his teenage phase looking gawky, gangly and skinny. Quite the opposite of me as I was chubby (still am) short (still am) and pimply (still on occasions). Nevertheless Elmo still looks cute to me although his uncle "boy" and aunty "wifey" reckons he looks ugly. No wonder parents never think that their kids actually look ugly.

I've also re-started Elmo back on his usual dry food. As mentioned in the previous post, Elmo was suffering from diarohea for a while and I had to put him on this really expensive diet which cost RM6.50 per feed. It actually smells yummy, a little like spam. It's apparently a prescription diet that can only be sold by vets and certainly more expensive than what I eat on a daily basis.

Anyway, he was on this special diet for around 2 weeks and last night I began giving him his usual food again. Unfortunately, today he started having diarrhoea again. Looks like I've to start him on the expensive food again. Poor me (literally) and poor Elmo. The vet however did say that I could get chicken breast and cook it well, chill it and feed it to Elmo as an alternative. I've actually considered it but I guess I'm just too lazy to do the whole cooking thing. Let's just hope and pray that Elmo will be better soon.
Time for Elmo's final play time. Blog later.

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