Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My very first entry

I read somewhere that blogging is actually therapeutic. So after prying into the affairs of other bloggers I've decided to start one of my own and let the rest of the world have a glimpse into mine. Let's hope that this will not be my first and last entry into this blog. Let the daily grind begin!!


Johnny_Bravo said...

Raising a dog, running a business and being a "good" wife. You must be God sent. Your husband is a lucky man.

Elmo said...

Dear Johnny Bravo...

Hope he appreciates. Maybe you would like to replace him if he doesn't hold on to his end of the bargain :-)

P.s Do you look like JB?

Johnny_Bravo said...

Dear Elmo,

I am sure he will hold to his end of the bargain. He is stuopid not to.

JB????: Other than black tee shirt and blue jeans, nothing like him.