Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Little About Elmo and Life Now.

Elmo is a 3 month old American golden retriever. He's really very cute as long as he doesn't bite. Hubb and I decided to get ourselves a dog to fill the "gap" in our lives ever since boy, wifey and Rusty moved out. Some are actually hoping that from a dog we will eventually progress to having kids...yeah rite!! ( not that I have anything against kid - I actually love them; just not the whole 9 months and D-Day)

Back to Elmo. We got Elmo from this breeder who has a reputation of breeding champion dogs. The breeder's stud (elmo's dad) is actually the one and only Asian Grand Champion (not that I know what that means :)) Hubby reckons that everything I have must be the best or I rather not have it. Hmm...wonder if that applies to choosing the right husband..ha ha. So when Elmo was 3 weeks old we went to the breeder's place and paid RM2,800 for him. The picture belows shows how adorable he was..key word being "was".

We had a choice between him or his brother. His brother was also very cute but was not as inquisitive as Elmo and started crying 5 minutes after he was taken out from the cage. Whereas Elmo was busy sniffing around and ignoring the world. A month into bringing Elmo home, Hubb and I now wondered whether we made a right choice. But I guess in life regretting is just a waste of time right?

Elmo was brought home when he was slightly over a month old and the first few nights were quite torturous. Elmo began whining every 2 hours and poor hubb and to sit with him and put him back to sleep. My mom reckons it would have been easier taking care a of baby. I beg to differ. Anyway, after 2 night of leaving him in the hall we decided that we had enough of the whining and set up his cage and playpen in the back room. I'm glad to report that he's adjusted well.

Before we decided to get Elmo, there was an understanding that it would be hubb's duty to clean up after Elmo and I'll take up all upkeep expenses of Elmo and play with him when I'm not too tired. But guess what?! Hubb dropped the bomb sometime later that he had to go off to Tampa for 2 months and guess who's left with Elmo...

Good thing is that Hubb's trip got delayed and cut short to a month instead of two. Bad thing is that just before Hubb left for Tampa, my parents got admitted to hospital for dengue fever and Elmo decided to have diarrhoea. So not only did I have to run up and down the hospital to take care of parents but to take care of a sick dog as well. As they say, when it rains it pours. No hubby, sick parents, sick dog. Here's Elmo at 2 months.

3kgs less and 2 weeks later, I'm glad to report that everything is back to normal now. Parent's are back at work and life is as normal as life can be without Hubb around. Praise be to God for His healing and provision during this ordeal and to all our friends who supported us in prayer and through visits and for their offer to donate blood for Dad. Thank God for great siblings and for sending us an understanding and friendly doctor in Palmdoc.

As usual I've gone off topic. Will now pretend to get back to work and will blog more on Elmo and life later tonight.

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