Thursday, March 13, 2008

My List of Countries

I wonder how many bloggers out there actually get blogger's block. I've realised that when this happens, it best to resort to typing out a list. Now you know why David Letterman has his top 10 list. But I must say that DL's list is totally hilarious and DL wouldn't be DL without his list. Anyway since I'm experiencing my very first blogger's block after only 2 days of blogging here's my boring list with respect to countries.

Countries I've lived in
1) Malaysia (currently living)
2) Singapore
3) Australia

Countries I've visited
1) Indonesia
2) Singapore
3) Vietnam
4) China
5) Japan
6) Thailand
7) Australia
8) United States
9) UK
10) Hong Kong

Countries I'll love to visit
1) Czech Republic
2) Italy
3) Switzerland
4) Holland
5) New Zealand

Countries I wouldn't mind visiting if money grew on trees
1) France
2) Greece
3) South Africa
4) Russia
5) UAE

That's it folks!!

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