Sunday, March 16, 2008

Elmo's final vaccination

The weekend has been crazy. I've been meaning to add to the blog earlier but I've been just too tired this weekend. It seems that ever since Elmo came down with some kind of skin infection it has been our weekly routine to take him to visit the vet at hands and paws every Saturday. This weekend it was for his final round of puppy vaccinations. Honestly till now I've still got no idea what he's being vaccinated against but we got him the vaccine that apparently protects him from everything. Let's hope it works. Thanks to boy and wifey for their help in driving Elmo and I to the vet for the past 3 weekends. You guys are the best.

So Elmo is now a free boy. Well, not truly free yet until 14 days for the vaccination to to effect. I'm glad that we'll finally be able to take him out for walks and expose him to the world. Now he's still a little afraid of going beyond the gate. To him it's a whole new foreign land beyond those metal bars. Everytime when we try to lead him into the car he'll walk up to the gate and then he'll plop himself down and would refuse to move. It's rather cute I must say but I hope he grows out of it. I don't see myself carrying him when he's as heavy as Rusty.(boy and wifey's dog)

Here's a picture of Rusty trying to hide in the corner when it was raining. Can't wait for the 2 weeks to pass so that I can take Elmo to visit his uncle Rusty. Let's hope Rusty teaches Elmo some manners.

This weekend's vet visit was quite eventful. Elmo is now 8.2kgs heavy. He managed to put on 1.2kgs since the last weigh in which was last weekend. I've got a feeling that I'm over feeding him but I'll let it be cause he's a growing boy. Elmo totally loves his vet Dr. Mervyn. He got so excited seeing Dr Mervyn that he peed at least 4 times from excitement. That's something I've never seen him do ever before. Sign of true love :-)

One thing about dogs that I'm most impressed about is that they don't seem to feel pain. I've been taking Elmo for jabs 4 weekends in a row and not once has he squirmed. Maybe he's just so excited seeing the vet that all the pain just vanishes. Again, sign of true love. If only it works for humans.

That's about it on Elmo this weekend. Below are some pictures I managed to take of Elmo just tonight. Check out his paws. They're so cute and big.

Happy Palm Sunday everyone. Let's look forward to Easter and our risen Lord.

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